Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dexter- 1 year

Here is just a few from my Dexter's 1 year photo shoot.  Time sure flies when you have kids!  I can't believe he is already almost 18 months!  Hopefully I don't take so long to put those photos up!

Audrey & Stella

I hate that I got so behind on my blogs!  Here is a modgepodge of adorable photos of my nieces Audrey and Stella.  We took Stella's 2 year photos in October and we just recently did Audrey's 5 year photos a couple weeks ago.  I am so amazing sometimes at how beautiful these girls are!  They are so lucky to have each other.  I know my own sister and I fought like cats and dogs when we were kids but now I love that I can be close to her. 

Now Miss Stella Ann is one tough cookie to take photos of!  She was pretty apprehensive of the camera even though she should be plenty used to it with me as an aunt but we did what we could and she's still as cute as a button!  Let's hope we see some more smiles for her 3 year!

 Look here, a smirk!  I caught a smirk!  I could just kiss her face all over! 

 I can't believe how grown up Audrey is getting.  Isn't she beautiful!  She's a sasspot, that's for sure but underneath that sassy little lady is a wonderful loving girl who is growing up way too fast!

Baby Olivia

Miss Olivia wins the title of the newest baby I have ever photographed.  Her momma Lisa wanted me to come to the hospital to photograph her newest little lady and I was happy to oblige.  Most people like to avoid the hospital but when you go into the maternity/newborn wing, it makes me happy to think of all the new little ones that have made it into this world! 

Olivia was a very big girl born at 9lbs 10oz I think and she was 2 weeks early!  Imagine how big she would have been if her momma had made it to 40 weeks!  She was a very good model for us and man alive, she smelled so good!  I wish you could get the scent of a newborn while looking at these photos.  She joins her big sister Jerilynn in this lovely little family.  Welcome to the world Olivia!

Moulton Family

Please excuse my little hiatus I had there for a while.  How rude of me to go blog-less for 4 months!  With the holidays and we were all so sick in January and getting through this first trimester of Baby A2, I just couldn't bring myself to the computer.  Forgive me!

No worries though, I stayed busy though!  Ms. Tina is an old friend from back in the days when we the only place to work was McDonalds.  She emailed me interested in my maternity/newborn package and I was all for seeing my old friend again especially pregnant!  Look at her, isn't she adorable!  She's such a tiny girl that this baby had no where to go but out! 

Poor Tina had quite a rough day to do photos.  It was cold, very cold and very wet.  Lovely Wisconsin weather but she is trooper.  We made the best of it and got some good shots I think.  Tina makes the pictures with that pregnant glow she has.  She and her husband Jeff were so excited for their first baby to arrive!

And just 4 hours shy of 2012, Mr. JJ made his appearance.  Oh this little lovebug is so very cute.  Such a tiny little bugger I had to spend the first ten minutes just loving on him.  Eventually I was able to tear myself away from him and got some photos.  I drove to Jeff and Tina's place in Egan and was lucky enough to have great light!  These photos couldn't have been anything but cute with JJ as our model.